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£80 Per Month

  • Are you lacking structure around training?

  • Are you doing the same old routine in the gym and not seeing any progress?

  • Are you caught in an endless cycle of dieting and feeling hopeless as a result? 


I will create a butt kicking training programme that considers your individual needs and preferences and reflects your goals - there are no exercises that I will ‘make’ you do, and your feedback will always be taken on board. If an exercise doesn’t feel good, and we can’t make it more comfortable, then we simply swap it out. You can’t manage as many seasons this week/month, no worries, we’ll adapt it to make it work. 


I will also provide personalised nutrition coaching to suit your current lifestyle and goals. Whether that be meal planning, calorie and macro targets or portion size guidance. Learn how to fuel yourself properly, train at your best, and feel more empowered and in control of your choices. 


Video form checks where you are free to send me videos of your training so you can be confident in the knowledge that you are performing lifts safely and correctly. 


Access to extensive video library for you to refer to in respect of every exercise within your training programme. 


For the best results possible and the quickest path to achieving those results, combine online personal training and online nutrition coaching at a reduced rate. You will receive the same great features of each of these individual packages to fast track you to those remarkable results. Exceptional transformations are built on intelligent personal training and nutrition plans, and someone to keep you accountable to them – that someone is me. I’ll be with you every step of the way to keep you on track and accountable, to ensure you are maximising your progress and potential, and give you the expertise and support you need to achieve incredible results. 



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