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£60 Per Month

  • Are you lacking structure around training?

  • Are you doing the same old routine in the gym and not seeing any progress?


I will create a kickass training programme that considers your individual needs and preferences and reflects your goals - there are no exercises that I will ‘make’ you do, and your feedback will always be taken on board. If an exercise doesn’t feel good, and we can’t make it more comfortable, then we simply swap it out. You can’t manage as many seasons this week/month, no worries, we’ll adapt it to make it work. 


Video form checks where you are free to send me videos of your training so you can be confident in the knowledge that you are performing lifts safely and correctly. 


Access to extensive video library for you to refer to in respect of every exercise within your training programme. 


Achieve the body transformation results you want with me online. No matter your location, my personal training program, tailored specifically for you, will help you achieve remarkable results. Let me create an online personal training program designed around you and your goals to achieve the specific result you want. I’ll assess everything, from your training history to your current fitness level to create the ideal personal training program and exercise selection to achieve your goals. 



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