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Most people struggle with dieting and regain the weight they’ve lost. 


I teach people how to lose weight and keep it off while enjoying their lives.. dieting and weight loss shouldn’t be a miserable experience.


When it comes to coaching clients, I think it’s important to meet people where they’re at and take an approach that is appropriate for that individual.. one size definitely does not fit all. I believe that training and nutrition should enhance our lives, not take away from it. 

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Personalised habit coaching to implement sustainable behaviour changes to improve your health and wellbeing while simultaneously supporting your goals.




Personalised online training programme that considers your individual needs, reflects your goals, and provides video tutorials and/or video form checks to develop your lifting skill.


Tailored nutritional support to enable you to fuel yourself properly, train at your best, and reach your individual goals.


The fastest way to reach goals by combining both online training and online nutrition in a reduced rate package.


In person training with me that considers your individual needs, reflects your goals, and delivers a high level of coaching to develop your lifting skill.




Hi, I’m Joanna


I help people who feel like giving up because nothing seems to work for them to finally get results that last. Whether it’s to lose weight, build lean muscle, improve their relationship with food or all of the above. 


If you have struggled with weight loss in the past, if you feel like you’ve tried every diet and it hasn’t worked, if you feel like you have to overly restrict to lose weight, if you feel miserable on a diet.. I am here to show you it doesn’t have to be like that. 


As a busy mum to three children, and having gone through my own weight loss journey, I understand how challenging the process can be. But my own experience, combined with years of working with clients, listening and learning from each them, means I am well equipped to help you overcome your barriers and achieve your goals. 


I know how to get you results, I know how to help you overcome your barriers, and I am here to support you through change. 


If you are ready to make this the last time you ever diet. If you are ready to commit to building lean muscle. If you are ready to improve your relationship with food.. then you are in the right place.

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In addition to online coaching, I also have a collection of easy to use online guides for nutrition and training information



Find a collection of my healthy, easy to follow, recipes here. 



AfN Certified Nutrition Coach

Level 3 (EQF4) Qualified Personal Trainer 

Certified Behaviour Change Coach

Certified Nutrition For Sport and Exercise Coach

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